This page provides a comprehensive overview of our most recent trades. It is updated several times a day. We strive to keep this page as up-to-date as possible, but we also encourage you to refer to our SmartTrader Channel on Telegram (TRIAL ENG / DE). Robert is the primary administrator of the Telegram channel, while the content of this page is updated by the SmartTrader Content Management Team.
This page includes the current day and the last five trading days:
1) WON 🟢 | GER_40 | SHORT ↘️ | TP – 22533.60
2) WON 🟢 | XAU/USD | LONG ↗️ | TP – 2919.89 / 2918.34 me| or 2917.50+ | overall in-profit | +re-entry
3) WON 🟢 | FRA_40 | SHORT ↘️ | TP – 8172.70
4) WON 🟢 | SQ | SHORT ↘️ | SL – 84.03 | break-even
5) WON 🟢 | MU | SHORT ↘️ | SL – 99.17
6) WON 🟢 | USOIL | LONG ↗️ | TP – 70.78 | or 70.96+
7) WON 🟢 | DELL | LONG ↗️ | TP – 119.97
8) Open 🟡 | COIN | LONG ↗️ |
👉 TP ✅ @: 277.97
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