About Robert Lindner

First things first: SmartTrader is not about me, it's about YOU. 

You are the community and together we can achieve a lot!

A few short words about me; I am Robert Lindner. I have been trading for more than 18 years, in the beginning mainly equities, today all asset classes. For more than 14 years, also during my studies, I have been working in various positions in the financial sector and management consultancy. I am an analyst, investor, trader and since 2014/15 increasingly also a trading mentor, coach, teacher or whatever you want to call it. In my early coaching days, my mentoring focused mainly on institutional traders – the more money they had, the better.

This is why I launched SmartTrader in early 2018, because in the world I found myself in, there was never a lack of money, but there was a lack of humanity. I was only dealing with people and companies who had exactly one thing in mind: to amass as much money as possible and as fast as possible. 

And that is perhaps my blessing and curse at the same time, because that is exactly what I am good at. In fact, I've always been one of the absolute top performers or even set new standards, no matter in which function I've tried to get “more” out of it. But should my life, or anybody's life, revolve around maximizing return on investment? No, that can't be all there is to it – at least that's the conclusion I fortunately came to at some point in my life.

SmartTrader is first and foremost about people – about you. About us. About everything around us. And no matter how successful I am at what I do, in the end I am one of you, nothing more, nothing less. Working with my students or the SmartTrader community gives me great joy and has helped me stay grounded. I am very grateful for that.

The investment world is often a single chase for MORE, MORE, MORE (returns, profits, money, assets, wealth) and yes, you often get lost in it very quickly. At SmartTrader, we stay human, always, and give it real meaning. We no longer want to exclude anybody, we don't want to be a small elite, we want everyone to be able to sit at the same table with us, we are a community, we are a family. Together we are stronger!

Over the last few years, thousands of people have learned how the markets work and how to trade with SmartTrader. Many of them, many of you, are successful traders today. I am proud of that and of all of you who have made it this far or have decided to embark on this journey with us.

And the journey goes on, on and on…
Your Robert Lindner