Blackrock, Inc. (BLK)

About BlackRock, Inc. (BLK)

Company Description:


BlackRock, Inc. is a leading global investment management corporation based in New York City. The company primarily offers its services to institutional, intermediary, and individual investors, including corporate, public, union, and industry pension plans, insurance companies, third-party mutual funds, endowments, public institutions, governments, foundations, charities, sovereign wealth funds, corporations, official institutions, and banks.

Founded in 1988 by eight partners including Larry Fink and Robert S. Kapito, BlackRock stands today as one of the world's largest asset managers, headquartered in New York, NY, United States.


Main Product(s):


BlackRock is renowned for its diverse range of products including mutual funds, iShares® (Exchange-Traded Funds), and other pooled investment vehicles. The company also offers risk management, advisory, and enterprise investment system services.


Short History of BlackRock, Inc:


  • 1988 – Founded by Larry Fink, Robert Kapito, and six others.
  • 1999 – BlackRock went public on the New York Stock Exchange.
  • 2006 – Acquired Merrill Lynch Investment Managers.
  • 2009 – Acquired Barclays Global Investors, becoming the world's largest asset manager.
  • 2023 – Continues to be a leader in investment management and financial technology.

Key Executives:

NameTitlePayExercisedYear Born
Mr. Laurence Douglas FinkChairman & CEO9.48MN/A1952
Mr. Robert Steven KapitoPresident & Director7.13MN/A1956
Mr. Robert Lawrence GoldsteinSenior MD & COO3.1MN/A1974
Mr. J. Richard KushelSenior MD & Head of the Portfolio Management Group2.6MN/A1967
Mr. Gary Stephen ShedlinVice Chairman2.21MN/A1963
Dr. Bennett W. Golub Ph.D.Co-FounderN/AN/A1958
Mr. Mark McKennaFounder, MD, Global Head of Event Driven Equity Strategies & Portfolio ManagerN/AN/AN/A
Mr. Martin SmallSenior MD, CFO & Global Head of Corporate StrategyN/AN/AN/A
Dr. Jeff Shen Ph.D.MD, Co-CIO & Co-Head of Systematic Active Equity (SAE)N/AN/AN/A
Mr. Neeraj SethMD, Chief Investment Officer & Head of Asian credit – SingaporeN/AN/AN/A

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