CSX Corporation (CSX)

About CSX Corporation (CSX)

Company Description:


CSX Corporation, a leading transportation company, primarily engages in rail-based freight transportation services. The company operates one of the largest railroad networks in the United States, providing rail, intermodal, and rail-to-truck transload services.

Founded in 1980 through a merger of several smaller railroads, CSX has its headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida, United States. It has played a crucial role in the American transportation industry, facilitating efficient cargo movement across the nation.


Main Product(s):


CSX Corporation's primary service is the transportation of freight across its extensive rail network. This includes shipping commodities such as coal, chemicals, automotive products, and agricultural goods. The company also offers intermodal transportation services, combining rail and truck transport.


Short History of CSX Corporation:


  • 1980 – CSX was formed through the merger of several smaller railroads.
  • 1987 – CSX expanded its operations by acquiring the Chessie System and Seaboard Air Line Railroad.
  • 1990s – The company diversified into the container-shipping business.
  • 2015 – A significant shift in focus towards intermodal freight services.
  • 2019 – CSX announced a major restructuring to improve efficiency and profitability.
  • 2021 – Acquisition of Pan Am Railways, expanding its network in the Northeastern United States.

Key Executives:

NameTitlePayExercisedYear Born
Mr. Joseph R. HinrichsPresident, CEO & Director2.38MN/A1967
Mr. Sean R. PelkeyExecutive VP & CFO1.45MN/A1980
Mr. Stephen FortuneExecutive VP, Chief Digital & Technology Officer1.41MN/A1970
Mr. Kevin S. BooneExecutive VP & Chief Commercial Officer1.88MN/A1977
Mr. Michael A. CoryExecutive VP & COON/AN/A1962
Ms. Angela C. WilliamsVP & Chief Accounting OfficerN/AN/A1975
Ms. Diana B. SorfleetExecutive VP & Chief Administrative Officer1.38M647.03k1965
Bill SlaterHead of Investor RelationsN/AN/AN/A
Mr. Nathan D. GoldmanExecutive VP, Chief Legal Officer & Corporate Secretary1.4M2.25M1958
Mr. Ricky JohnsonSenior Vice President of OperationsN/AN/AN/A

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