O'Reilly Automotive, Inc. (ORLY)

About O'Reilly Automotive, Inc. (ORLY)

Company Description:


O'Reilly Automotive, Inc. specializes in the retail of automotive aftermarket parts, tools, supplies, equipment, and accessories in the United States. The company operates through two segments: DIY (Do It Yourself) and Professional Service Providers.

Founded in December 1957 by the O'Reilly family, the company has grown from a single store in Springfield, Missouri, to a major player in the automotive parts industry. O'Reilly Automotive is currently headquartered in Springfield, Missouri, United States.


Main Product(s):


O'Reilly Automotive offers a wide range of products for cars, trucks, and other vehicles, including new and remanufactured automotive hard parts, maintenance items, and various automotive accessories.


Short History of O'Reilly Automotive, Inc.:


  • December 1957 – O'Reilly Automotive was founded by the O'Reilly family in Springfield, Missouri.
  • April 1993 – The company went public, listing on the NASDAQ.
  • Early 2000s – Began a rapid expansion, significantly increasing the number of stores.
  • 2008 – Acquired CSK Auto, enhancing its presence in the western United States.
  • Recent Years – Continued expansion and introduction of online retail services.

Key Executives:

NameTitlePayExercisedYear Born
Mr. Gregory L. HensleeExecutive Chairman840.03k17.1M1961
Mr. Gregory D. JohnsonChief Executive Officer4.05M4.21M1966
Mr. David E. O'ReillyExecutive Vice Chairman713.98kN/A1950
Mr. Brad W. BeckhamCo-President1.51M3.44M1979
Mr. Brent G. KirbyCo-President1.51MN/A1968
Mr. Jeremy Adam FletcherExecutive VP & CFO1.29M3.49M1978
Ms. Tamara F. De WildSenior VP of Legal & General CounselN/AN/AN/A
Mr. Jonathan Wyatt AndrewsSenior Vice President of Human Resources & TrainingN/AN/A1968
Mr. Jeffrey Alan LauroSenior Vice President of Information TechnologyN/AN/A1966
Mr. Robert Allen DumasSenior Vice President of Eastern Store Operations and SalesN/AN/A1974

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