The Trade Desk, Inc. (TTD)

About The Trade Desk, Inc. (TTD)

Company Description:


The Trade Desk, Inc. specializes in providing a technology platform for ad buyers, offering a self-service cloud-based platform that allows clients to create, manage, and optimize data-driven digital advertising campaigns. The company primarily focuses on empowering ad buyers with a comprehensive and efficient way to purchase and manage digital ad space across a variety of media.

Founded in 2009 by Jeffrey Terry Green and Dave Pickles, The Trade Desk has established its headquarters in Ventura, California, United States.


Main Product(s):


The Trade Desk's main offerings include a data-driven digital advertising platform that enables the buying of media across a multitude of channels, including display, video, audio, and social, on a multitude of devices like computers, mobile devices, and connected TV.


Short History of The Trade Desk, Inc:


  • 2009 – Founded by Jeffrey Terry Green and Dave Pickles.
  • 2016 – The company went public with one of the most successful IPOs of the year.
  • Recent Years – Focused on expanding its platform capabilities, including advancements in connected TV and AI-driven advertising.

Key Executives:

NameTitlePayExercisedYear Born
Mr. Jeffrey Terry GreenCo-Founder, Chairman, President & CEO5.44M51.66M1977
Mr. Jay R. GrantChief Legal Officer & Secretary1.52MN/A1967
Ms. Laura SchenkeinChief Financial OfficerN/AN/AN/A
Ms. Tahnil DavisExecutive VP & Chief Accounting OfficerN/AN/AN/A
Mr. Chris TothVice President of Investor RelationsN/AN/AN/A
Mr. Ian ColleyExecutive VP & Chief Marketing OfficerN/AN/AN/A
Ms. Robyn PerrySenior Vice President of People OperationsN/AN/AN/A
Mr. Jed DederickExecutive Vice President & Chief Client OfficerN/AN/AN/A
Mr. Tim SimsChief Revenue OfficerN/AN/AN/A
Ms. Julie KleemanSenior VP & Deputy General CounselN/AN/AN/A

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