Anglo American (AAL)

About Anglo American (AAL)

Company Description:

Anglo American plc is a global mining company, which is a leader in the exploration, mining, and processing of various mineral resources. The company has a diverse portfolio including diamonds (De Beers), copper, platinum group metals (PGMs), iron ore, coal, and nickel.

The company was founded in 1917 by Sir Ernest Oppenheimer in Johannesburg, South Africa. It is now headquartered in London, United Kingdom, continuing its legacy as a major player in the global mining industry.

Main Product(s):

Anglo American plc is known for its diversified mining operations. Its main products include diamonds, platinum, copper, iron ore, and metallurgical and thermal coal.

Short History of Anglo American plc:

1917 - Founded in Johannesburg by Sir Ernest Oppenheimer.

1926 - Listed on the London and Johannesburg stock exchanges.

1980s - Expanded into coal, base metals, and later into gold.

1990s - Restructured to focus on mineral exploitation.

2000s - Invested heavily in platinum and diamonds through De Beers.

2020s - Focused on sustainability and carbon neutrality initiatives.

Key Executives:

Name Title Pay Exercised Year Born
Mr. Duncan Graham Wanblad B.Sc. CEO & Executive Director 2.38M 60.19k 1967
Mr. Matthew Daley Director of Technical & Operations and Group Head of Mining N/A N/A 1979
Mr. Rohan Davidson Group Chief Information Officer N/A N/A N/A
Mr. Paul Galloway Group Head of Investor Relations N/A N/A N/A
Mr. Richard J. B. Price B.A., L.L.B. Director of Legal & Corporate Affairs N/A N/A 1963
Ms. Monique Carter Director of People & Organisation N/A N/A 1973
Alexander Schmitt Head of Marketing & Sales - Base and Specialty Metals N/A N/A N/A
Mr. Wilfred Theodoor Bruijn Chief Executive Officer of Brazil N/A N/A 1965
Mr. Dave Palmer Group Head of Business Improvement N/A N/A N/A
Mr. Pierre Herben Group Head of Carbon Neutrality N/A N/A 1963

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