ASML Holding N.V. (ASML)

About ASML Holding N.V. (ASML)

Company Description:


ASML Holding N.V., a key player in the semiconductor industry, specializes in the development, production, marketing, sale, and servicing of advanced semiconductor equipment, consisting primarily of lithography systems. The company operates in a single business segment, which is the development, production, and sale of high-tech lithography, metrology, and software solutions.

Founded on April 1, 1984, ASML is headquartered in Veldhoven, Netherlands. It has grown to become a pivotal contributor to the semiconductor manufacturing process.


Main Product(s):


ASML's main products are photolithography systems used in the manufacturing of semiconductors. These systems are critical in the production of integrated circuits or chips.


Short History of ASML Holding N.V.:


  • 1984 – ASML was founded as a joint venture between Philips and Advanced Semiconductor Materials International (ASMI).
  • 1988 – Introduction of PAS 2500 Stepper, a key product in semiconductor lithography.
  • 1995 – ASML was listed on the NASDAQ and Amsterdam Stock Exchange.
  • 2000 – The company acquired Silicon Valley Group, a major step in expanding its lithography product range.
  • 2010s – ASML started focusing on extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUV) development.
  • 2023 – Continues to lead in semiconductor lithography technology, with significant advancements in EUV systems.

Key Executives:

NameTitlePayExercisedYear Born
Mr. Peter T. F. M. WenninkChairman of the Management Board, President & CEO2.44MN/A1957
Mr. Martin A. van den BrinkVice Chairman of the Management Board, President & CTO2.44MN/A1957
Mr. Roger J. M. DassenExecutive VP, CFO & Member of the Management Board1.61MN/A1965
Mr. Frederic J. M. Schneider-MaunouryExecutive VP, COO & Member of the Management Board1.62MN/A1961
Mr. Christophe D. FouquetExecutive VP, Chief Business Officer & Member of Management Board1.57MN/A1973
Mr. Wayne R. AllanExecutive VP, Chief Strategic Sourcing & Procurement Officer and Member of Management BoardN/AN/A1968
Mr. Skip MillerVice President of Investor RelationsN/AN/AN/A
Mr. James KoonmenExecutive VP of Applications BusinessN/AN/AN/A
Ron KoolExecutive Vice President of Business Line DUVN/AN/AN/A
Rob Van VlietInvestor Relations ManagerN/AN/AN/A

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