Eni (ENI)

About Eni (ENI)

Company Description:

Eni S.p.A. is an Italian multinational oil and gas company. It engages in exploring, producing, and refining natural gas and oil, with additional operations in the fields of electricity generation and petrochemicals. The company was founded on February 10, 1953, and is headquartered in Rome, Italy.

Main Product(s):

Eni S.p.A's main products include petroleum, natural gas, and petrochemicals. The company is also involved in the power generation sector and has recently been investing in renewable energy sources.

Short History of Eni S.p.A.:

February 1953: Eni was established as Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi.
1992: Transformed from a state entity into a public company, listed on the Italian and New York stock exchanges.
2000s: Expansion into renewable energy sources, emphasizing solar and wind energy.
2014: Discovery of the Zohr gas field in Egypt, one of the largest ever found in the Mediterranean Sea.
2021: Announced the commitment to achieving net-zero emissions in its production by 2050.

Key Executives:

Name Title Pay Exercised Year Born
Mr. Claudio Descalzi CEO, GM & Director 5.82M N/A 1955
Mr. Giuseppe Ricci Chief Operating Officer of Energy Evolution Division 1.73M N/A 1958
Mr. Guido Brusco Chief Operating Officer of Natural Resources 1.38M N/A 1971
Mr. Francesco Gattei Chief Financial Officer N/A N/A 1969
Francesco Esposito Head of Accounting & Financial Statements N/A N/A N/A
Ms. Francesca Zarri Director of Technology, R&D & Digital N/A N/A 1969
Mr. Luca Franceschini Integrated Compliance Director, Board Counsel & Board Secretary N/A N/A 1966
Mr. Stefano Speroni Director of Legal Affairs & Commercial Negotiations N/A N/A 1962
Mr. Lapo Pistelli Director of Public Affairs N/A N/A 1964
Mr. Claudio Granata Director Human Capital & Procurement Coordination N/A N/A 1960

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