Intercontinental Exchange Inc. (ICE)

About Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (ICE)

Company Description:


Intercontinental Exchange, Inc., known as ICE, is a leading operator of global exchanges, clearing houses, data and listing services. The company plays a critical role in the financial and commodities markets.

ICE was founded by Jeffrey C. Sprecher in May 2000 and is currently headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. It has transformed over the years from an electronic energy trading platform into a global powerhouse in financial market infrastructure and data services.


Main Product(s):


Intercontinental Exchange is known for operating global exchanges, including commodity and financial markets, and providing mortgage technology, data, and listing services.


Short History of Intercontinental Exchange, Inc:


  • May 2000 – ICE was founded by Jeffrey C. Sprecher as an electronic energy trading platform.
  • November 2001 – Launched the first cleared OTC energy contracts.
  • 2007 – Acquired the New York Board of Trade.
  • 2013 – Acquired NYSE Euronext, significantly expanding its financial market operations.
  • 2016 – Expanded into data services by acquiring Interactive Data Corporation and S&P Global's Standard & Poor's Securities Evaluations.

Key Executives:

NameTitlePayExercisedYear Born
Mr. Jeffrey C. SprecherFounder, Chairman & CEO4.2M12.64M1955
Mr. Benjamin R. JacksonPresident2.2MN/A1973
Mr. A. Warren GardinerChief Financial Officer1.47MN/A1981
Mr. Christopher Scott EdmondsChief Development Officer1.94M382.76k1969
Ms. Lynn C. MartinPresident of NYSE Group and Chair of ICE Fixed Income & Data Services2.08M338.13k1977
Mr. Stuart G. WilliamsChief Operating OfficerN/AN/A1977
Mr. James W. NamkungChief Accounting Officer & Corporate ControllerN/AN/A1976
Mr. Mayur V. KapaniChief Technology OfficerN/AN/A1969
Mr. Douglas A. FoleySenior Vice President of Human Resources & AdministrationN/AN/A1972
Mary Caroline O'NealHead of Investor RelationsN/AN/AN/A

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