Mastercard Incorporated (MA)

About Mastercard Incorporated (MA)

Company Description:


Mastercard Incorporated is at the forefront of the global payments industry, facilitating the processing of payments between the banks of merchants and the card-issuing banks or credit unions of the purchasers. It operates through a network that includes consumer credit, consumer debit, prepaid, commercial, and payment programs and solutions.

The company was established in 1966 as a cooperative of banks looking to access a wider payment network. It is headquartered in Purchase, New York, USA.


Main Product(s):


Mastercard's primary products include credit, debit, and prepaid cards that enable consumers to make purchases and transactions globally. They also offer a variety of services in fraud prevention, loyalty and rewards programs, and information services.


Short History of Mastercard Incorporated:


  • 1966 – The foundation of the Interbank Card Association (ICA), which would later become Mastercard.
  • 1979 – Introduction of the Mastercard brand.
  • 2006 – The company went public with a successful IPO.
  • 2010s – Mastercard expanded its services to digital wallets and mobile payments.
  • 2016 – Celebrated 50 years of operation and continued expansion into financial services.
  • 2023 – Maintains a significant presence in the digital payments innovation space.

Key Executives:

NameTitlePayExercisedYear Born
Mr. Michael MiebachCEO, President & Director6.32MN/A1968
Mr. Sachin MehraChief Financial Officer2.99M1.35M1971
Mr. Timothy Henry MurphyChief Administrative Officer2.25M2.85M1968
Mr. Craig E. VosburgChief Product Officer2.27M3.27M1967
Mr. Michael B. G. FromanAdvisor2.13MN/A1964
Mr. Devin CorrExecutive Vice President of Investor RelationsN/AN/AN/A
Mr. Rob BeardChief Legal Officer, General Counsel & Head of Global PolicyN/AN/AN/A
Mr. Raja RajamannarChief Marketing & Communications Officer and President of HealthcareN/AN/A1962
Mr. Greg UlrichExecutive Vice President of Strategy, Corporate Development and M&AN/AN/AN/A
Mr. Michael FraccaroChief People OfficerN/AN/A1966

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