Mercedes-Benz AG (DAI)

About Mercedes-Benz AG (DAI)

Company Description:

Mercedes-Benz Group AG, known for its luxury vehicles, is a global automobile marque and a division of the German company Daimler AG. The brand is known for luxury vehicles, buses, coaches, and trucks. Mercedes-Benz is headquartered in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

Founded on June 28, 1926, by Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler, Mercedes-Benz has a rich history of innovation and excellence in the automotive sector. Its headquarters, situated in Stuttgart, Germany, serve as the central hub for its global operations.

Main Product(s):

Mercedes-Benz Group AG is renowned for its range of luxury vehicles, including sedans, SUVs, coupes, convertibles, and roadsters. It also produces commercial vehicles like buses and trucks.

Short History of Mercedes-Benz Group AG:

June 1926 - The company was founded by Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler.

1930s - Introduced the Mercedes-Benz 770 model, used by German high-ranking officials.

1990 - The merger of Mercedes-Benz with Chrysler Corporation.

2007 - Divestiture of Chrysler.

2018 - Announcement of a major strategic shift focusing on electric vehicles and sustainable solutions.

Key Executives:

Name Title Pay Exercised Year Born
Mr. Ola Kallenius Chairman of the Management Board & CEO 3.08M N/A 1969
Mr. Harald Wilhelm Head of Finance & Controlling and Member of the Management Board 1.61M N/A 1966
Ms. Renata Jungo Brungger Head of Integrity, Governance & Sustainability and Member of Management Board 1.59M N/A 1961
Mr. Hubertus Troska Head of Greater China & Member of Management Board 2.06M N/A 1960
Mr. Markus Schafer CTO of Development & Purchasing and Member of Management Board 1.59M N/A 1965
Ms. Britta Seeger Head of Marketing & Sales and Member of Management Board 1.58M N/A 1969
Dr. Jorg Burzer Head of Production, Quality & Supply Chain Management and Member of the Management Board 1.8M N/A 1970
Ms. Sabine Kohleisen Director of Human Relations & Labor Relations and Member of Management Board 1.69M N/A 1964
Mr. Steffen Hoffmann Head of Investor Relations & Treasury N/A N/A 1971
Dr. Thomas Laubert Head of Legal Department N/A N/A 1973

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