Philips (PHIA)

About Philips (PHIA)

Company Description:

Koninklijke Philips N.V., commonly known as Philips, is a global company focused on healthcare technology. The company operates in various segments, primarily in the medical devices industry. Philips was founded by Gerard Philips and his father Frederik Philips in 1891 in Eindhoven, Netherlands, and now has its headquarters in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The company initially started as a manufacturer of light bulbs and has evolved over the decades to become a leader in health technology, focusing on improving people's health and enabling better outcomes across the health continuum.

Main Product(s):

Philips' main products include a wide range of medical devices, such as diagnostic imaging systems, patient monitoring devices, health informatics solutions, and consumer health products like electric toothbrushes and shavers.

Short History of Koninklijke Philips N.V.:

1891: Founded by Gerard Philips and Frederik Philips in Eindhoven, Netherlands.
1914: Philips established a research laboratory to stimulate product innovation.
1963: Introduction of the Compact Cassette, revolutionizing the audio recording industry.
1983: Development of the Compact Disc in collaboration with Sony.
Early 2000s: Shifted focus towards healthcare and technology.
2016: Philips split its lighting business to focus more on healthcare technology.

Key Executives:

Name Title Pay Exercised Year Born
Mr. Roy Jakobs President, CEO & Chairman of the Board of Management 1.28M N/A 1974
Dr. Paulus A. Stoffels M.D., Ph.D. Independent Vice Chairman of Supervisory Board & Secretary 177.27k N/A 1962
Mr. Abhijit Bhattacharya Executive VP, CFO & Member of the Board of Management 1.13M 485.44k 1961
Mr. Marnix J. van Ginneken Executive VP, Chief ESG, Legal Officer & Member of the Board of Management 831.35k 244.75k 1973
Mr. Willem Appelo Executive VP & COO N/A N/A 1965
Mr. Leandro Mazzoni Head of Investor Relations N/A N/A N/A
Ms. Daniela Seabrook Executive VP & Chief Human Resources Officer N/A N/A 1973
Mr. Sean Carney Chief Design Officer N/A N/A N/A
Mr. Andy Ho Executive VP & Chief Market Leader of Philips Greater China N/A N/A 1961
Jan Kimpen Chief Medical Officer N/A N/A 1958

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