Relx (REL)

About Relx (REL)

Company Description:

RELX PLC, a global provider of information and analytics for professional and business customers across industries, specializes in offering services that cater to the evolving demands of today's digital landscape. The company operates through four primary segments: Scientific, Technical & Medical; Risk & Business Analytics; Legal; and Exhibitions.

RELX PLC was founded in 1894, evolving through various mergers and rebrandings over the years, and is now headquartered in London, United Kingdom. This long-standing history highlights the company's adaptability and commitment to evolving with technological advancements and market needs.

Main Product(s):

RELX's main products and services include electronic and print versions of scientific, technical, medical literature, risk management solutions, legal information, and exhibition organization services.

Short History of RELX PLC:

1894 - The foundation year of the company.

1993 - Merger of Reed International, a British trade book and magazine publisher, and Elsevier, a Dutch scientific publisher, forming Reed Elsevier.

2015 - Reed Elsevier rebranded as RELX Group.

2020 - Continued expansion into digital analytics and decision tools across its segments.

Key Executives:

Name Title Pay Exercised Year Born
Mr. Erik Engstrom M.Sc Econ, M.Sc Eng., MBA CEO & Executive Director 3.61M N/A 1963
Mr. Nicholas Lawrence Luff CFO & Executive Director 2.14M N/A 1967
Ms. Kumsal Bayazit Besson Chief Executive Officer of Scientific, Technical & Medical N/A N/A 1974
Mr. Colin Tennant Head of Investor Relations N/A N/A N/A
Mr. Henry Adam Udow Chief Legal Officer & Company Secretary N/A N/A 1958
Mr. Paul Abrahams Head of Corporate Communications N/A N/A N/A
Ms. Rosemary Thomson Chief Human Resources Officer N/A N/A 1969
Mr. Mark Kelsey Chief Executive Officer of Risk N/A N/A N/A
Ms. Jelena Sevo Chief Strategy Officer N/A N/A N/A
Mr. Michael Walsh Chief Executive Officer of Legal N/A N/A N/A

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