The Kraft Heinz Company (KHC)

About The Kraft Heinz Company (KHC)

Company Description:


The Kraft Heinz Company, a renowned name in the food and beverage industry, specializes in manufacturing and marketing food and beverage products including condiments, convenience foods, and packaged foods. The company operates through various segments including United States, International, and Canada.

Founded by the merger of Kraft Foods Group and H.J. Heinz Company in July 2015, Kraft Heinz is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, with a rich legacy from its parent companies dating back to the 19th century.


Main Product(s):


Kraft Heinz's extensive product line includes a wide range of well-known brands and products, notably Heinz ketchup, Kraft macaroni and cheese, Oscar Mayer meats, Philadelphia cream cheese, and numerous other packaged foods and condiments.


Short History of The Kraft Heinz Company:


  • July 2015 – Kraft Foods Group and H.J. Heinz Company merged to form The Kraft Heinz Company.
  • 2015 Onwards – The company focused on expanding its brand portfolio and international reach.
  • Recent Years – Kraft Heinz has been emphasizing sustainable practices and healthier food options to adapt to changing consumer preferences.

Key Executives:

NameTitlePayExercisedYear Born
Mr. Miguel PatricioChair & CEO4.22MN/A1966
Mr. Andre MacielExecutive VP & Global CFO2.02MN/AN/A
Ms. Rashida K. La LandeExecutive VP, Global General Counsel and Chief Sustainability & Corporate Affairs Officer2.02MN/A1974
Mr. Rafael de OliveiraExecutive VP & Zone President of International Markets2.64MN/A1975
Mr. Carlos A. Abrams-RiveraPresident of Kraft Heinz & President of the North America Zone3.01MN/A1968
Mr. Vince GarlatiVP, Principal Accounting Officer & Global ControllerN/AN/A1977
Ms. Anne-Marie MegelaVP & Global Head of Investor RelationsN/AN/AN/A
Ms. Kathy KrengerSenior VP & Chief Communications OfficerN/AN/A1968
Mr. Peter HallVice President of SalesN/AN/AN/A
Ms. Yang XuSenior VP & Global Head of Corporate DevelopmentN/AN/A1979

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