UniCredit (UCG)

About UniCredit (UCG)

Company Description:

UniCredit S.p.A. is a leading European bank, known for its strategic focus on providing financial services in Western, Central, and Eastern Europe. It offers a wide range of banking and financial products and services, including retail, corporate, and investment banking. The company was established in 1998 following the merger of several Italian banks and is headquartered in Milan, Italy.

Main Product(s):

UniCredit's main offerings include retail banking services, corporate and investment banking, wealth management, and financial advisory services.

Short History of UniCredit S.p.A.:

- 1998: Formation of UniCredit through the merger of several Italian banks.
- 2005: Acquisition of German-based HVB Group, expanding its presence in Central and Eastern Europe.
- 2008: During the financial crisis, UniCredit received a capital injection and restructured its operations.
- 2016: Launched a strategic transformation plan, focusing on digital banking and efficiency.
- 2021: Andrea Orcel appointed as Group CEO, initiating a new phase of strategic development.

Key Executives:

Name Title Pay Exercised Year Born
Mr. Andrea Orcel UniCredit Group CEO and Head Of Italy, Chairman of UniCredit Foundation & Director 3.54M N/A 1963
Mr. Stefano Porro Chief Financial Officer N/A N/A 1975
Mr. Gianfranco Bisagni Group Chief Operating Officer N/A N/A 1958
Mr. Ali Khan Group Information and Digital Officer N/A N/A N/A
Ms. Magda Palczynska Head of Group Investor Relations N/A N/A N/A
Mr. Gianpaolo Alessandro Group Legal Officer & Secretary of the Board of Directors N/A N/A N/A
Ms. Serenella de Candia Group Compliance Officer N/A N/A N/A
Ms. Siobhan McDonagh Head of Group People & Culture N/A N/A N/A
Dr. Mikhail Yuryevich Alekseev Executive Vice President N/A N/A 1964
Mr. Jürgen Dennert Executive VP and Head of Audit & Corporate Bodies Support & QAR N/A N/A N/A

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