Unilever (ULVR)

About Unilever (ULVR)

Company Description:


Unilever PLC, a global consumer goods company, engages in the production and marketing of a range of products in the areas of beauty and personal care, home care, and foods and refreshment. The company operates through various segments, which include Beauty & Personal Care, Home Care, and Foods & Refreshment.

Founded in 1929 through the merger of Margarine Unie of the Netherlands and Lever Brothers of the United Kingdom, Unilever has grown into one of the world's leading suppliers of fast-moving consumer goods. It is headquartered in London, United Kingdom.


Main Product(s):


Unilever’s diverse product range includes popular brands in food and beverages (like Lipton, Knorr), cleaning agents (such as Cif, Domestos), and personal care products (Dove, Axe, Lux).


Short History of Unilever PLC:


  • 1929 – Unilever was formed through a merger between Margarine Unie and Lever Brothers.
  • 1930s – Expansion into food and personal care products.
  • 1970s-1980s – Major diversification through acquisitions.
  • 2000s – Focus on core brands and sustainable practices.
  • 2020 – Unification of the company's dual-headed legal structure.

Key Executives:

NameTitlePayExercisedYear Born
Mr. Hein. M. A. SchumacherCEO & Director26.84kN/A1971
Mr. Graeme David PitkethlyCFO & Executive Director2.68MN/A1967
Mr. Alan W. JopeExecutive Officer4.14MN/A1964
Mr. Richard WilliamsHead of Investor RelationsN/AN/AN/A
Ms. Maria Rosaria Varsellona J.D., L.L.B.Chief Legal Officer & Group SecretaryN/AN/A1970
Mr. Nitin ParanjpeChief People & Transformation OfficerN/AN/A1963
Mr. Julian ThurstonHead of SecretariatN/AN/AN/A
Mr. Bruno WitvoëtPresident of Unilever AfricaN/AN/A1963
Mr. Matt CloseBusiness Group President of Ice CreamN/AN/A1970
Mr. Tim MundenChief Learning OfficerN/AN/AN/A

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