Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. (WBD)

About Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. (WBD)

Company Description:


Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. is a prominent global leader in media and entertainment, offering a diverse array of content and brands across various distribution platforms. The company operates through three primary segments: Studios, Networks, and Direct-to-Consumer.

Warner Bros. Discovery was formed through the merger of WarnerMedia and Discovery, Inc. in 2021, bringing together a rich heritage of storytelling and journalism. The company's headquarters are located in New York, NY, United States.


Main Product(s):


Warner Bros. Discovery is known for its production and distribution of film, television, and digital content. Its portfolio includes iconic entertainment brands such as Warner Bros., HBO, CNN, Discovery Channel, TLC, Animal Planet, and many others.


Short History of Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc:


  • 2021 – The company was formed through the merger of WarnerMedia and Discovery, Inc., combining a wide range of media and entertainment assets.
  • Other key milestones in the history of the constituent companies include significant film and TV productions, expansions into new media and platforms, and strategic acquisitions.

Key Executives:

NameTitlePayExercisedYear Born
Mr. David M. ZaslavPresident, CEO & Director25.81M3.21M1960
Dr. Gunnar WiedenfelsSenior EVP & CFO5.44MN/A1977
Mr. Bruce L. CampbellChief Revenue & Strategy Officer7.19MN/A1967
Mr. Jean-Briac PerrettePresident and CEO of Global Streaming & Games7.21MN/A1971
Mr. Gerhard ZeilerPresident of International7.09MN/A1955
Ms. Lori C. LockeChief Accounting Officer & Executive VPN/AN/A1963
Mr. Avi SaxenaChief Technology Officer of Direct-to-ConsumerN/AN/AN/A
Mr. Dave DuvallChief Information OfficerN/AN/AN/A
Mr. Nathaniel BrownChief Communications OfficerN/AN/AN/A
Ms. Adria Alpert RommChief People & Culture Officer1.68MN/A1955

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